Monday, September 21, 2009

Animal Nepal rescues nine surviving Khopasi donkeys

In a grave case of animal abuse, an estimated 55 working donkeys died due to mismanagement in Khopasi, Kavre district. Animal Nepal rescued the surviving donkeys. The donkeys for now are kept at Chobar Animal Sanctuary and will be shifted to our new Donkey Sanctuary at Godavari after Dasain.

Animal Nepal unearthed the mass grave in Khopasi earlier this week. The team, consisting of Dr Sudeep Koirala and Surendra Basyal, found nine donkeys huddled together in a small makeshift bamboo shelter, covered with a simple plastic sheet.

The deaths are caused by multiple causes resulting mostly from infected wounds and allergic pruritis as well as malnutrition and unsuitable climate and shelter.

Says Pramada Shah, Volunteer Director at Animal Nepal: ‘The death of some 55 donkeys at Khopasi stands as an example of the irresponsible attitude of equine owners in our country. The animals have died a slow and painful death. The suffering of these donkeys and countless others goes unreported and no one seems to care.’

Sadly one of the rescued donkeys died at our shelter. The others are slowly recovering.

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