Monday, September 21, 2009

Nepali princess adopts rescued donkey

Princess Ketaki Chester, a long standing animal lover, on July 1o welcomed a rescued donkey into her home. Seti has now fully recovered and loves her new home and playmates, the princess' two dogs.

Months after the brick donkeys left for Western Nepal we continue to find abandoned equines living the life of scavengers. On July 10, CAT volunteer Reshma Khaet informed us about a malnourished white donkey lost in Kalanki area.

Vets Sudeep and Surendra together with Krishna located the donkey, and after a quick medical screening realised it quickly needed to be removed from the street. Although the donkey was not injured, it was extremely weak, with dehydration and malnourishment.
While searching for a suitable place, Princess Ketaki Chester came forward. The Chester family has a suitable compound, with shelter facilities and grazing space.

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